Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Stats 7/8/14


Weight:  187


Chest      Waist       Hips      R Quad      L Quad      R Calf      L Calf      R Bicep       L Bicep
44"          42"          45.5"     21.5"          21"            13.5"         14"          12.5"            13"

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Crossfit journey begins

The family all decided to start Crossfit last week with Park Meadows Crossfit.  Needless to say I am feeling nervous, excited & scared.

We began last week on Monday June 30th with our first of three On Ramp classes that are scheduled every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

This class is designed to teach you the fundamental movements that comprise a CrossFit  or FIT workout, and give you a daily WOD (Workout of the Day) designed for the beginning CrossFit Athlete.

Day 1 MONDAY - The warm-up alone had me sweating and feeling some muscle burn.  A short run, some lunges, figure 4 stretches and We worked on squats and proper form for a few Olympic lifts that we will be required to complete once we start the actual Crossfit classes and the WOD ( work out of the day ) that will be assigned for each particular class.  We were also shown how to work into a pull up by using the Kip pull up technique.

Day 2 TUESDAY - Wasn't any better, not only did we expand on the different lifts, only using PVC pipes. Who ever would have thought that a 6 ounce PVC pipe could feel so heavy after a few practice lifts.  Learned how the rowing machine works and proper form when using this. Also worked on proper push-up form and witnessed an example of the progression we will someday be able to do ( HA! ) towards hand stand walks and hand stand push ups. Thank god we had Wednesday  night off to try and rest, stretch and stretch some more.  I never realized the effort or strength it takes to get on and off the toilet!  Sleeping was another issue.  I couldn't get comfortable, my back and hips were killing me.  Finally after taking a Xanax and muscle relaxer I was able to get some Zzzz's.

Day 3 THURSDAY - Legs felt a little better, I can now walk down stairs without feeling like my legs are going to give out.  Worked on more lift techniques...
Wall ball squats - throw a 10 lb or heavier medicine ball as high as you can on the wall in front of you and then catch and drop into a squat - Repeat!

Friday was the 4th of July so no classes that day.  Woot Hoo !!!!

Saturday - 1st OFFICAL CROSSFIT CLASS at 10am.
Warm up consisted of running 400 meters or rowing 500 meters, 10 Burpees into pull-ups, 10 kettle bell swings, and I may have blocked out the rest... REPEAT twice.  Seriously ??  That was only the warm up!
WOD was 7 clean lifts with bar and weights or with just a medicine ball, 11 box jumps @ 30", a lower height or step ups, run 200 meters with a medicine ball at the weight you can handle.

I was able to get into my 2nd round and then fell off the freakin box while attempting to do a step up with my right leg leading instead of my left.  Apparently I am a bit stronger on my left leg. Scraped my left shin on the box, fell back onto my ass and broke the fall with my right pinky finger. Had a bit of an emotional melt down - I felt embarrassed, disappointed in myself and just mad.  Thought I broke my finger but it looks like, after a visit to the Dr. Monday, that I severely sprained my finger and have a lovely splint on for a few days or 2 weeks depending on how it feels. 

I finished the workout by modifying to 30 air squats and the run portion 2 more times.

My ego was crushed that I couldn't finish the actual WOD but very pleased for just trying to finish regardless of my injury.


Everyone there was encouraging and supportive.  I think that is by far the coolest thing I have realized about this type of "gym" environment. The fact that even if you are out of shape you are supported and rooted on as you finish what you can. Here's hoping this weeks workouts are just as intense as last weeks and I survive without further injury.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Starting over.......

When I fail to pay attention to what Im eating, what Im doing or what Im not doing more accurately, I start to lose everything I have accomplished.   I pretty much quit.  I quit paying attention to how many calories I was consuming.  I started eating whatever I felt like and how much I felt like.  It is something that always happens to me.  I do really well and drop most of the weight I need to drop and then for whatever reason I just stop caring.  I put on 5 lbs and then I stop getting on the scale and then Im up another 5 lbs, then another.  The last time I weighed in was 3-4 days ago and it was 184 -  I just want to cry.  14 lbs up from my most recent lowest weight. 

So that is why this entry is called " Starting Over

I have recently purchased Bob Harper's books Jumpstart to Skinny and The Skinny Rules. This seems like a much more logical way of eating and living. Also it makes me think that it is something I can stick with.

I will begin posting more with how this is going for me.   Wish me Luck.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Days 8-9 -- 54 more to go!

To say that the workout Monday night ( Cardio Power & Resistance ) was tough after a double dose on Sunday - would be a lie!  it was brutal.  My legs felt like cement and they continued to feel that way thru my workout last night - Pure Cardio.

I am pleased to report that aside from my 2 day back issue break - I have completed 9 days of Insanity and only have 54 more days to go!!!

I have noticed I am able to do more of the workouts without risk of vomiting.  I am stopping less and jumping a bit higher.  I am still a wet hot mess when I get finished but I feel great I hate to say it !!!  I am still only able to girlie push-ups and cannot do the moving push-ups at all yet.  Im hoping by next week I can move into "regular" push-ups without falling into the floor. 

Tonight is Plyometrics Cardio Circuit which I have done 2x so far so Im not too scared.  This Saturday might be a tough one since it is Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs.  I have not had the pleasure of that workout yet.  One day at a time though.  :) 

Oh.... I did buy a new scale last night.  Weight Watchers ........  ( i will put in the model later ) for $39 at Bed Bath & Beyond - used a 20% off coupon!!!  And I am sad to say my other scale was not broke I really am holding fast at somewhere between 174-175.  My goal for the next 2 weeks though is to not get on the scale until Saturday morning only !!  None of this everyday, make myself miserable weighing in.  At least until I am done with Insanity and see what happens.  And really try and stick to a healthy eating plan with more calories due to the extreme exercising I am doing now. 

Wish me Luck!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Days 5-7


My back was way too sore to do anything on Friday.  I had to skip workout so I wouldn't injure myself further.


Saturday started out with the intention of doing Fridays workout in the morning and then Saturdays workout that evening.  That didn't happen.  My back was a little tight still so I decided to take another day off.  :(


Sunday am was makeup session for day 5.  Workout was difficult and I sure noticed what taking 2 days off does to my breathing and lungs.  I really noticed how it was difficult to breathe similar to Day 1.  Plan is to do a double workout today and catch up on Day 6 in the evening.

Sunday pm we completed day 6 workout.  OMG I would not recommend trying to do 2 in one day during your first week.  I was exhausted to say the least.  But finished.  And then crashed. 

Back on schedule this week!   WOO HOO!  Finished week 1!

Weight is the same - I did get a little tease Saturday morning though when my scale read 170!  But alas this morning was back at 175.  Ughhh.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 4 - Insanity Cardio Recovery

Last night was not horrible.  :)  Although the title states recovery, it just means you are not jumping all over the place.  You are still getting a good sweaty workout.  Alot of yoga poses, stretches, squats, lunges....  And I was able somehow to tweak my back a little.  I was in an extreme amount of pain all of last night but am feeling a bit better today.  I am planning on trying to complete day 5 - Pure Cardio - which Im sure means  Pure Hell actually.

Weight has still not budged.  I know I said I wouldnt weigh myself every morning but it is just so hard to walk by the scale and not step on it.  Maybe I should put it down in the garage for a week or so.  I will be less likely to be naked in my garage first thing in the morning than I am with it right by the shower. 


Oh,  Im thinking about posting this onto my facebook page.  It actually makes me a bit quesy just thinking about it.  Maybe my first step will be to just add it to myfitnesspal that I am using to track my food intake.  Baby steps.

link to Myfitnesspal

my username is  smandel7070

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day 3 of Insanity

Last night was Cardio Power & Resistance.  I had a slight headache and was a bit grumpy when starting the DVD.  I made it thru with some slight modifications and short rest breaks.  The DVD we have was borrowed so with about 10 minutes left we had some technical difficulties with the disc.  So we were forced to stop for the day and did our cool down walking around the cul-de-sacs for a bit.

Im not as sore today as I have been the past few days.  Im not sure if it is because we cut out 10 minutes early - knowing too that the last 5-7 minutes are usually stretching - OR... my body might be getting over that hump of severe muscle fatigue???  Tonight is Cardio Recovery - Not sure what that is but it sounds like maybe an easier workout?  I HIGHLY DOUBT IT.  I am in a better mood and frame of mind than I was yesterday so Im hoping that will follow me throughout the day and I am able to get thru the workout with a smile tonight.

I was able to go grocery shopping last night so now there is no excuse for eating badly.  All the proper foods were purchased and just need to do a little prep work to get prepared for the next few days.  Luckily it is Thursday and only one more day of bringing lunch to work and trying not to starve during the day.  The whole eating 5 meals a day is a difficulty I have always been dealing with.  I just don't eat often enough and then try to make up for it once I get home by over indulging.

One step at a time I guess. 

Im still up on weight and REALLY need to stop stepping on the scale every morning, at least for the next week or so.
